Atopic dermatitis – clinical presentation, diagnosis and treatment

Author: Suzana Ljubojević Hadžavdić, Nives Pustišek

Atopic dermatitis is chronic relapsing inflammatory skin disease often occurring in families with other atopic diseases (atopic dermatitis, food allergy, bronchial asthma or allergic rhino-conjunctivitis). The clinical presentation varies from mild to moderate and severe forms of disease. The diagnosis and assessment of the disease severity are determined with standardized criteria and tests. Management of atopic dermatitis is complex and depends on the clinical presentation severity and the patient’s age. It includes patient education, proper skin care, avoidance of clinically relevant allergens and irritants, topical anti-inflammatory therapy, phototherapy and systemic anti-inflammatory therapy. Psychotherapeutic support is usually included. New treatment options include targeted therapies, therapy with biological drugs, and Janus kinase inhibitors therapy.

Key words:
atopic dermatitis; clinical presentation; treatment