The role of the transfusiologist in stem cell transplantation

Author: Silvana Jurenec

The role of the transfusionist is to determine the patient's blood group, pre-transfusion immunohematological examination, diagnosis and therapy of side effects of transfusion, consultation with the clinician when setting indications for transfusion treatment and monitoring its effectiveness. Before stem cell transplantation (SCT), the transfusiologist participates in the decision on the method of mobilization, is responsible for the procedure of stem cells, donor lymphocytes collecting, their storage and preservation in containers, thawing preparation before use. In case of ABO blood group mismatch between the donor and the patient during allogeneic SCT, a transfusion treatment scheme is prescribed with regard to the blood groups of different blood products. Determination of the isohemagglutinin titer, plasmapheresis of the recipient, reduction of the volume of plasma and erythrocytes in the transplant are options that are carried out in ABO-incompatible SCTs with the aim of preventing adverse events.

Key words:
ABO incompatibility; hemagglutinins; hematopoietic stem cells; transfusion medicine; transfusion therapy; transplantation