Fractures of the lower leg in children

Author: Dalibor Divković, Krešimir Ivković, Izabela Kiš, Branka Balaban

Fractures of the lower leg are the third most common injury of the locomotor system in children. Most commonly, these fractures occur during play and sports activities or due to the traffic accidents. Treatment is performed with conservative immobilisation and/or traction in stable fractures. In the treatment of unstable fractures of the lower leg different surgical treatments are applied: external fixation, open reposition and internal fixation with plates and screws, as well as intramedullary stabilization (ESIN). Immobilisation depends on the type of injury and age of the child, and lasts 3 to 6 weeks. After treating the fracture the third part of the treatment begins, which is rehabilitation. They key to a proper treatment is respecting the rules of „3R“ (reposition, retention and rehabilitation) and multidisciplinary cooperation. 

Key words:
children; fractures; intraarticular fractures; intramedullary stabilization; lower leg